For some people it is hard to start, continue and/or finish an assignment especially those with Executive Function challenges. They feel overwhelmed about where to start with schoolwork, general organization, and physical spaces to better organize.
I generally suggest that my clients clean one small space at a time leading to success. When they stop and look around they realize that they have tackled an entire room in their home and feel exhilarated!
The same can be said for tackling school organization skills. We work on one skill at a time. The first success leads to increased self-confidence and the willingness to tackle another school organization skill. And so on…
Organizing Your Schoolwork
Each weekday afternoon after school, make a study plan based on all assignments.
On Friday afternoon each week, organize all of your school papers and online assignments and create a study plan for the weekend. Clean out and file any stray papers in your backpack.
After you have finished your homework for the day, put all materials back in your backpack. Place your backpack, jacket and anything else you will need by the door through which you leave each morning. Make and pack your lunch after dinner. Now you are prepared for the next school day.
Create better storage for school materials — folders can be used for each subject’s papers. Set up one folder for your paper homework or important school papers a parent or guardian will need to sign.
Bring your assignment book (if you use one) to every class. Or add assignments in the app before leaving each class. The more you practice this new routine the more assignments you will write in your planner.
Complete all homework before dinner as often as possible. Be flexible about your workload or studying for tests depending upon your schedule for that day. Make a plan after school as to what work you will tackle before and after dinner.
Knowing what time of day you do your best work helps you to determine when is the optimal time to tackle assignments in your hardest or easiest subjects.
Reading School Materials
Sit in an upright position at a desk or table when reading material for school – not lying down on a bed. Doing homework while reclining in bed quickly leads to a nap.
Use a pre-reading strategy for textbooks to familiarize yourself with the reading selection before reading.
Start assigned reading in a novel or textbook on the same day as it is assigned. Stretching the reading out over several days will always be less stressful. Divide the total number of sections/chapters/pages by the total number of available days to break down the reading assignment and note taking over multiple days. It will take much less time each day if you read and take notes in smaller portions.
Getting and staying organized requires time and constant vigilance. Learning new organization skills leads to more assignments started, completed and turned in on time. The biggest reward is the boost to your self-confidence and ability to accomplish more tasks more efficiently.